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Barrett Blogs

Investing In Your Brand Produces The Best Rewards

“Our goal is to educate, motivate, and entertain people in the industry thru the work we do, while helping and connecting partners to those who can benefit their brands.”

Jason Barrett



2020 hasn’t been kind to many. Hundreds, if not thousands have lost jobs in our industry, and it’s forced a lot of us to look in the mirror and question the direction our business is headed in. I’d be lying if I said those prior conversations about moving into the agency business or returning to run a large media operation didn’t creep into my head, but as stressful as the past few months have been, I’ve never been prouder of our team of writers or the work we’ve done.

I don’t share a lot of details about our traffic because I’ve always felt that reaching 100 industry executives mattered more to our business than 10,000 clicks. I also know we cover a niche space, sports media, which produces less traffic than a full service sports site. Our goal has been to educate, motivate, and entertain people in the industry thru the work we do, while also helping and connecting partners to those who can benefit their brands. As long as we deliver on those promises, I’m satisfied.

But I was blown away to see that the news we share, the stories we tell, and the opinions we offer, have connected with more people during the darkest days in our business. Our traffic in June beat our prior 4 year page view totals by 6-7x, and in July, we beat June by 30%, crushing our prior 4 year page view totals by 8-9x. Our best months previously were January 2019 and 2020, months when we release our annual BSM Top 20. So much for sports not mattering huh? I’ll use this moment to remind you that if you’re in charge of advertising for a company that’s looking to connect with a professional audience, email me for a copy of our advertising deck.

I’d love to tell you that we devised a masterful strategy to fuel our growth, and though we made some SEO adjustments, the recent success has more to do with luck, and betting on the brand. In late May, I welcomed Jay Mariotti, John Michaels, Chrissy Paradis, Rob ‘Stats’ Guerrera, Ricky Keeler and Jacob Conley to our writing team. A few people close to me thought I was nuts considering the radio and advertising industry was weakening, and my own livelihood wasn’t secure. Though my bank account is a little lighter, the early returns have been favorable. We’re not out of the woods by any stretch, but the things we can control, we’ve done well at. It has reinforced my belief that you can’t be afraid to take risks during down times.

Secondly, we dove into some subjects that mattered greatly to our readers. Mike Golic and Will Cain‘s exits from ESPN Radio’s lineup, the network’s new programming schedule, Dave Portnoy-Big Cat’s issue over the President Trump interview, Emmanuel Acho’s ‘Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man‘, and COVID-19’s impact on sports, were of great interest to readers. So too were a few of our columnist’s weekly pieces. Staying on top of so many things while trying to balance other jobs hasn’t been easy, but we’ve done the best we can, and I’m pleased with the progress.

Jay has especially been out in front on a lot of these items, cranking out 3-4 columns per week, delivering some of the best written sports content on the internet. He has his fans and critics, and I’m often surprised by the reaction of hosts who want him to pipe down when he offers an opinion they don’t agree with. Did we forget how this business works? You share a point of view, support it with evidence, and let an audience decide where they stand. Some will love you, and listen, watch or read more, and some will hate you, and tune you out. Nobody forces you to consume what you read. If it doesn’t cost you a dime, and you continue devouring content from someone you don’t agree with, then that’s your issue to resolve, because the host, or in this case, the columnist, is living rent free in your head.

What’s funny is I’ve had a few people assume that I share the same views as Jay, and ask me why I’d publish a piece if I didn’t agree with it. For example, I don’t agree with Jay that Dave Portnoy should be canceled. But it isn’t about what I think, it’s about offering different viewpoints, and letting those who consume your content decide where they lie on the issues. If the only thing we posted on this site was what satisfies my personal tastes, we’d be missing out on a much larger audience. This country, and more specifically the media business, used to disagree without it feeling contentious. The sooner we get back to that the better it’ll be for all of us.

Before I weigh in on five media items, I do want to share a few news items. A new BSM Podcast episode will be out soon with Mike Greenberg. I’m looking forward to reconnecting with Greeny, and discussing his return to the national sports radio circuit. Look for the episode later this week.

Later next week, look for a story by Demetri Ravanos on FOX Sports Radio’s 20 year anniversary. We’ve been talking to a lot of people over the past month and a half about their experiences at the network to try and capture what the past two decades were like at one of America’s premier sports radio networks. There are a few more people to track down still, but the goal is to publish the piece either next Thursday or Friday.

I’m also thrilled to share that we’re adding Stan Norfleet as a writer at BSM. Stan wrote a great piece for Deadspin last month, which I encourage you to check out if you haven’t already done so. I’ve known him from his time hosting shows in Atlanta and Charlotte, plus he attended the BSM Summit in NYC this past February. Stan’s a sharp guy with a lot of personality, but he made a mistake on the air that cost him his gig in Atlanta in 2019. He’s doing his best to learn from that experience, and move his career forward, and I’m happy to give him a chance to rebound. His addition not only adds another talented perspective to the site, but it helps us strengthen our diversity, an issue that is important to me. I look forward to having him contribute. His first piece comes out this Thursday.

Five Things:

Barstool Documentary | Blogs & Videos | Barstool Sports

#1 – Barstool Sports has critics who want to sentence the brand to death for its history of offensive commentary, but if you can allow yourself to be entertained without reading too deeply into everything the brand does, you’ll find their documentary series to be excellent. I watched all 15 episodes with my 18-year old son, and we laughed our asses off. As someone who didn’t consume a ton of Barstool’s content during their early years, I enjoyed getting a better understanding of their progression, and seeing how the brand grew from an idea in Dave Portnoy’s head to a major mainstream media force.

The series gave me a new respect for Portnoy’s passion and vision. A lot of people want to see Dave go down in flames, but you don’t create a monster brand and compete against heavyweights if you don’t have talent, work ethic, creativity, and vision. Say what you want about Dave, but he gave up a good paying job to create a newspaper with no guarantees. He then busted his ass delivering papers all across Boston, writing under different aliases to make the brand look bigger, sold advertising (loved the fake ad trick), recruiting writers, and eventually developed events, merchandise, apps, podcasts and so much more. You get a good sense of how the brand took calculated business risks and continued to pivot throughout the series.

I also enjoyed learning how Barstool’s personalities discovered the brand, became who they are, and didn’t shy away from controversy no matter how complicated things became. Though some will loathe the brand for it, it’s become a huge part of their DNA. In doing so, they changed the game.

Despite an army of haters, Barstool also has a legion of fanatics who support the company’s initiatives every step of the way. So many get caught up in analyzing the commentary of their talent, but don’t give the brand enough credit for how skilled they are at operating their business. Think I’m wrong? Go look at where they stack up when it comes to podcasting, social media engagement, merchandise, popular apps, etc.. You don’t receive a massive investment from Penn National and the Chernin Group if you’re not doing something extremely well.

As a 46 year old professional male, I’m not their target, but I can see why the 18-34 demo digs what they’re doing. My favorite episode by far from the series was Chapter 12 (Tiko Texas). Though the belly button image grossed me out, and Portnoy’s rap song is lyrically crude, I was in tears laughing because his rhythm was terrible from start to finish. For the record, KFC won that rap battle, despite introducing one of the cheesiest rap tunes I’ve ever heard. What’s undeniable though is both Portnoy and KFC are far more skilled in the rap arena than Tiko Texas.

My advice, go to their website and in the search bar, enter ‘Barstool Documentary Series‘, and then watch the content. Or if you have Roku and prefer to watch on TV as I did, download their app, and go thru each chapter to see which one you enjoy most. The episodes are 16-35 minutes in length, and if you’re open minded, you’ll find yourself laughing often.

#2 – I admit that I have a biased answer to this next question, but is there any better of a fit on WFAN than Brandon Tierney? BT and I worked together in San Francisco and remain friends today. I’m sure he’ll see this at some point, and call me and express his frustration over it, but it needs to be said. His voice, passion, knowledge, and unwavering love for NYC should be on display on WFAN, not on CBS Sports Radio. I know he’s lived in many different places, and has the national experience to fit the bill, but The Fan is a bigger platform and it’s where he belongs.

What’s always confused me is why Tierney isn’t on the station’s radar despite working in the same building. He’s in his mid-40’s, lives and dies with the Yankees, Knicks and Jets, is unafraid to challenge decision makers, oozes passion, and connects to the NYC sports fan. He was barely given a sniff when Mike Francesa vacated afternoons, and though he did a show or two with Boomer following Craig Carton’s exit, Gio was the better fit in that spot.

I look at it from afar and wonder sometimes why he’s good enough to be on SNY, MSG, CBS and ESPN NY, but not The Fan. I raised it one time with him a year or two ago and he exited that conversation quicker than Eric Davis leaving the building in San Francisco after doing 4 hours of radio with him.

I understand that he occupies afternoons on CBS Sports Radio and the show is simulcast on the CBS Sports network, but before anyone tries to sell me on his value to the network, save your energy. The sports cash cow for Entercom New York is WFAN, not CBS Sports Radio. If you have an asset that fits well on the station, and can be a part of its long-term success, that comes first.

I applaud Mark Chernoff and Chris Oliviero for putting BT and Tiki Barber on the NYC radio airwaves last week. It was refreshing, and a good start. I just hope the next time it’s permanent.

Townsquare Media - Wikipedia

#3 – A tip of the cap is in order for executives at Townsquare Media. The company recently took the same path that Saga Communications did in March, eliminating Nielsen ratings in all 51 of their markets, a decision that should, but won’t, be carried out at every other radio company. I’m a fan of data, and enjoy crunching numbers to help talent maximize ratings, and salespeople and advertisers get the biggest return for their advertising dollar, but it’s time this business stopped spending money on a faulty service.

PPM has been flawed from its inception. I say that as someone who pumped his fist many times when the numbers were good, and cashed numerous bonus checks when the results benefited brands I managed. The measurement is embarrassingly low, and it’s often inconsistent with a station’s digital data, creating a ton of confusion and a lot of second guessing. It’s also led to a false sense of confidence for some talent and programmers who ‘think’ they know what works based on the behavior of a few meters.

Great vision starts in the mind. Success follows if topical and creative content is delivered consistently by a talented individual or team with a strong work ethic, and an ability to make adjustments, continue improving, and retain the confidence and patience from management. Add a winning play by play franchise to the airwaves, and a brand will be fine. This is rocket science.

If we know what works based on designing strategies to satisfy meters, then why hasn’t local sports radio produced a huge podcasting hit? Or shown an ability to understand and excel at social media? We’re living with patterns of the past, and assuming we’ll be fine as others like Spotify, SiriusXM, and Amazon aim to push us aside.

Talk radio must build new stars, and create ideas and killer content to generate excitement, and those things are far more important than chasing ghosts (meters), especially during a time when data means little to local businesses who are fighting to survive. The last time I looked, Joe Rogan, Bill Simmons and Dave Portnoy weren’t ‘killing it’ in the ratings, but each built brands that earned nine figure investments. If you have unique talent, and timely and creative content, you won’t need ratings to prove your value, it’ll already be understood.

Keyshawn, Jay, and Zubin (Mornings 5-9 on 103.3 FM ESPN) | KESN-FM

#4 – In 6 days, ESPN Radio will unveil its new weekday lineup and I don’t need a crystal ball to tell you what will happen on Monday morning August 17th. The new team of Keyshawn Johnson, Jay Williams, and Zubin Mehenti will take the air, social media will freak out because it sounds different than the past two decades of ESPN Radio’s morning show, and many will declare the show dead, on life support, or a terrible decision by management. By Tuesday or Wednesday, the noise will amplify even more, and a month later it’ll drastically decline.

Nobody can predict if this morning show will work and last 6-12-18 months, so the best thing these guys can do is prepare, spend time together, create the best content possible, and absorb social media in small doses. The public almost always reacts negatively to something new. We saw it with Get Up and CMB, and it’s why Rob ‘Stats’ Guerrera preached patience from ESPN executives last week in his column.

Winning the PR game during week 1 for a new show isn’t supposed to happen, so don’t spend time worrying about it. Focus on winning the race, not the first mile. If the show has talent, creativity, work ethic, chemistry, and enough surprise moments to keep people on their toes, it’ll be fine. Just know going in, the warm embrace comes later, not during the first week.

#5 – Sports media people have needed sports to return more than I think they even realized. It sounds great when hosts are bullish about the best talent being able to turn dog shit into gold, but they don’t consider that people may not care about their on-air discussion about a movie or TV show, their first public dining experience since COVID-19 hit or their reaction to world news. It’s one thing to have hours worth of material to talk about, but it’s another to have content that an audience actually values.

Having spent more time lately listening, consulting, handling sales, social media, and publishing than writing and hosting podcasts, I’m amazed by how little we learned from the mistakes of a few years ago. When ESPN faced an image crisis over too many personalities being outspoken on political issues, it wasn’t fake news. Neither was the backlash the NFL faced over the anthem issue. Ratings went down, negative publicity up, and advertisers got nervous. Once the noise went away, changes were made, audiences returned, negative publicity declined, and business was booming.

But that took place in a world with sports….not the one we’ve lived in the past few months.

Here we are entering the fall of 2020, once again in an election year, dealing with a global pandemic, one which has sports media folks questioning which path to take. After stating they wouldn’t go down this road again, ESPN has reversed course yet again. Making matters more complicated has been the reaction by leagues to make political issues a larger part of their focus. It’s led many personalities to use their on-air and social platforms to deviate from talking sports, and unleash their fury on a variety of sensitive issues. I realize that the images we’ve seen on our televisions and phone screens in recent months have made many of us angry, myself included, but despite how furious we become with society, we can’t forget that we’re hired to provide a distraction from life’s chaos not add to it.

I saw a tweet recently from Linda Cohn which I thought hit the nail on the head. She asked “Why is the media keeping score on who is kneeling or standing for the national anthem? Don’t we all want the same thing, ending racism in our country?” The easy answer to those questions was yes, but some commentators want an excuse to connect sports to political issues because quite frankly they don’t care about sports, only the access the medium provides to being able to serve a steady diet of their unfiltered personal opinions to an audience.

I understand debating whether games should be played given the challenges presented by the virus. I think that subject is important and unavoidable because it’s impacted each of our lives, and is the biggest reason why our sports viewing experience is being affected. Though we may disagree on the right path forward for beating this pandemic, we’re all dealing with it and rooting for the same outcome. If the games and people we watch though start making divisive matters such as anthem protests, China, the election, defunding the police, racism, etc. part of the broadcast experience, you’ll see more people upset and the channel changed.

The question we should be asking is “do you care about the subject matter you’re tasked with talking about on a daily basis?” If the answer is no, that’s OK. Explore a move into news. Will Cain and Sid Rosenberg did it, so too did Keith Olbermann. The news format needs new voices, and there’s a massive audience seeking that type of content. But don’t stand in the way of those who still care about the thing you’re supposed to.

Sports has never been more important in our lifetime. Without it we’ve seen how dark the world is. Hope, joy, laughter, and an uplifting distraction are needed by fans, listeners, viewers, and readers, not an avalanche of messaging that triggers an immediate tune out. Ratings so far are showing it doesn’t work. Many will blame the decrease on the pandemic, just as they blamed past results on cord cutting, the election, and other issues, ignoring the fact that nobody is in stadiums or arenas this time, and fans have gone thru months of sports withdrawal, meaning we should have more people watching, not less.

The public isn’t seeking a greater mixture of sports and politics, the media and sports leagues are. We can beat this drum again and again, but after a while, the same results appear, and eventually, the excuses run out.

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Barrett Blogs

Is Sports Journalism Still Worth Paying For?

“I know many like to declare print being dead. I’m sorry I’m not one of them. Adults still enjoy reading.”

Jason Barrett



Courtesy: Don Nguyen

I’ve been thinking about this column all week because it’s a topic I’m passionate about and curious to hear the responses to. For starters, let me pose a few questions to you. Does quality journalism still matter? Is it worth paying for? Do advertisers see enough return on their investments with print outlets through associations with influential writers, publications and branded content? Are consumers hungry to read the full details of a story or are they satisfied with the cliff notes version and absorbing messages that fit inside of 140-280 characters?

The world we’re in is saturated with content. Attention spans are rapidly shrinking. Social media is both to blame and bless for that. The positive is that we’re exposed to more content than ever before. This means more opportunity to reach people and grow businesses. The challenge of course is standing out.

People listen, read and watch less of one thing now, opting for variety during the time they have available. The issue with that is that it often leads to being less informed. I know many like to declare print being dead. I’m sorry I’m not one of them. Adults still enjoy reading. I see nearly three million people do it on this website alone and we’re small potatoes compared to mainstream brands. Clearly people like to learn.

I raise this topic because last week, Peter King announced his retirement although he left open the door for side projects. After forty plus years of writing the gold standard of NFL columns, King revealed he wanted to slow down and invest his time in other areas of life. Among his considerations for the future after taking a breather are teaching.

In a podcast interview with Richard Deitsch, King said “We may love this column but I doubt that it made enough money for NBC to pay what they were paying me. I don’t think words are very profitable anymore. It’s a sad thing but it’s what’s happened to our business.”

Later in the conversation, King discussed the difficulty he might face if speaking to students about whether or not to pursue working in the media industry. He acknowledged that the business is bad right now. However, he pointed out that if you can write and read, and be an intelligent thinking contributing member of society, there are a lot of jobs you can do beyond being a writer for a paper covering the NFL. You can teach English, work in PR or for a team or league website. But journalism is different now, and though it’s not impossible to do, having flexibility is important.

I agreed with most of King’s remarks and thought about the two different ways people might respond to them.

If you’re in agreement with Peter, you’ll point to the reduction in industry jobs, the changes in salaries, the lack of trust in media outlets, the economic uncertainty facing traditional operators, the shrinking ability to uncover truth, and the data that frequently supports video being hot, and print not so much.

Those who disagree will list the New York Times and The Athletic as examples of print brands that still matter. They’ll also mention the surge in newsletters, the arrival of new online outlets, and the daily communication between millions of people each day on social media, much of it revolving around conversations created or supported by text.

Where I sit is somewhere in between.

First, the notion that it’s harder now than before is one I’ll challenge. When I entered the business, I had to mail letters, send cassette tapes, and wait months for a response. There was no internet or opportunity to create a podcast, Substack, website or video to build an audience. I had to be selected by someone to have a chance to work. There were thousands like me who wanted a way in and were at the mercy of decision makers preferring my resume over someone else’s. I did exactly what King said on the podcast when he mentioned having to do other jobs to support yourself while pursing a dream.

Where I agree with King is when he mentioned words not being as profitable anymore. Are print reporters and columnists going to make what they once did? Probably not. There will always be exceptions just as there are in television and radio, but if you think you’re going to do one specific job and making a financial killing on it, prepare to be disappointed. Today, you better be able to wear different hats and create a lot of content in multiple places. Earning a lot for doing a little is a way of the past.

The one area where I’ll differ is when it comes to advertising. I believe there’s untapped value for brands in print. Recall with the written word remains strong. There’s also less advertising clutter in written stories than audio and video programming blocks. Advertisers may not seek out traditional print advertising anymore but branded content, newsletter associations, and social media placements remain valued.

What I admire greatly about King is that he evolved over the years. His written work on SI was must-read but that didn’t stop him from leaping into the online space and launching MMQB. The arrival of that microsite was done at the right point in time, and when SI began to change, King didn’t hang on, choosing to make the bold move and jump to NBC. Upon his arrival, he started contributing on television, podcasts, and expanding his profile on social media.

What you should take away from Peter is that you’ve got to constantly examine the business, and understand when it’s time to pivot, even if it means leaving your comfort zone. You also have to recognize that things are going to change and your job description will likely be one of them. If you stay married to what you once did, you’ll be in a tough spot. If you roll with the punches and embrace what’s new, you’ll survive and thrive.

You also have to understand that you’re going to be tied further to what you produce. Does your presence and performance grow advertising revenue? Are you speaking on behalf of brands and helping them move product? Do you grow subscriptions or readership to levels that make it easy for a company to invest significantly in you? Talent is subjective. Results aren’t. Those who create quality while boosting the bottom line will remain in demand.

Remember this in a few years when artificial intelligence becomes a bigger part of content creation and discovery. Those who adapt to it and work with it will be just fine. Those who reject it will be searching for new career paths. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. There’s better stability in other industries. But there’s nothing like creating content around the world of sports and media. It just requires adaptability and being comfortable with being uncomfortable.

BSM Summit Update:

In ten days we unite the sports media business in New York City for the 2024 BSM Summit. All of the sessions are now complete. I’m excited to add Natalie Marsh, General Manager of Lotus Communications in Las Vegas, Cody Welling, Station Manager of 97.1 The Fan in Columbus, and Stephanie Prince, Vice President and Market Manager of Good Karma Brands West Palm Beach to our schedule. The full agenda for both days is posted on

In addition, I’m thrilled to share that we’ll have a few special appearances at the ESPN Radio After Party on Wednesday March 13th. Joining us on-site will be Evan Cohen, Chris Canty and Michelle Smallmon of UnSportsmanLike, Freddie Coleman and Harry Douglas of Freddie & Harry, and Chris Carlin from Carlin vs. Joe.

Thumbs Up:

Chris Mortensen: Rarely does the sports media industry collectively agree on anything but you won’t find much disagreement on Chris Mortensen. He was a special talent and human being. I was fortunate to see it firsthand as a producer at ESPN Radio. I then enjoyed many interactions with Mort as a program director lining up calls on the radio stations I ran. It didn’t matter what job you did or where you worked, Chris treated you well. His work was hall of fame worthy but it was the manner in which he interacted with people that truly made him a legend. Rest in peace, Mort. I’m sure the next wave of conversations with John Clayton are going to be amazing.

Mike Felger: It would’ve been easy to pile on and publicly root for a competitor to fail and fold. Instead, Felger took the high road, acknowledging that he’s rooting for WEEI to come out of bankruptcy in good shape. That’s what smart business people. Mike is comfortable in his own skin. He has the highest rated show in Boston and having a competitor to compete against as well as a potential landing spot when contracts come up is never a bad thing. Besides, why would anyone want to see friends and respected professionals lose an opportunity to work or listeners given less choice for sports talk entertainment? Nice job, Mike.

iHeartmedia: The company’s fourth quarter results were down year-to-year but they were above prior projections. iHeart also gained 16.6% growth in podcasting revenues during Q4, and just got stronger by luring Stephen A. Smith’s podcast away from Audacy. A pretty good week for Bob Pittman and his lieutenants.

Sportico: Jason Clinkscales is an easy guy to root for. He’s written quality content for Awful Announcing, is a sharp guy who enjoys the industry, and after a year full of personal tragedies, he deserved a break. That came last week when Sportico hired him as a reporter and editor on their breaking news team. Well done Sportico. Looking forward to reading the first piece.

National Association of Broadcasters: Creating buzz for conferences isn’t easy but the NAB’s recent announcement of having Daniel Anstandig of Futuri Media present a first-of-its-kind presentation at its April show alongside Ameca, an autonomously AI-powered humanoid robot has certainly increased conversation and intrigue. I’ll be in attendance for the event and am curious like many. I’m just hoping Joe Rogan isn’t right when he suggested this week that robots will jump out of an aircraft carrier with machine guns and do damage.

Thumbs Down:

Kroenke Sports and Entertainment: This isn’t a shot at the company. It’s more about losing a talented media executive. Matt Hutchings, the company’s former COO and EVP was a key part of developing Altitude Sports. Under his watch, the Nuggets and Avalanche won titles, and the company cemented its position in the local sports radio space.

The dispute with Comcast over airing Nuggets and Avs games is well documented, and Hutchings will get some of the blame for the teams not being broadcast on local TV but I tend to believe decisions of that magnitude land at ownership’s doorstep. Regardless, KSE is weaker today than yesterday due to losing Hutchings.

New York Jets: I get it. 98.7 ESPN New York moving away from the FM dial provides a concern for the franchise, and in other cities, football does perform well on classic rock stations. I just see the fit with Q104.3 as an odd one. If Aaron Rodgers returns and the Jets finally take off the way their fans hoped they would last year, it’s going to feel strange hearing their games locally on a channel that has little content time dedicated to the team beyond game days.

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Barrett Blogs

Erika Ayers and Spike Eskin Led Barstool Sports and WFAN to Success But Their Exits Raise Questions

“Rod and Spike understand the business. They know people are going to ask these questions.”

Jason Barrett



There were two big management moves last week that have sports media folks talking. First was Erika Ayers Badan announcing her exit from Barstool Sports as the brand’s CEO. Second was the news of Spike Eskin returning to Sportsradio WIP and exiting his role as the VP of Programming for WFAN and CBS Sports Radio.

Let’s start with Erika. What she did for Barstool was spectacular. In 2016, I thought Barstool had a strong understanding of social media, unique talent and voices, podcasts that were cutting through, and a connection with younger fans that traditional outlets couldn’t deliver. They also produced events that drew a lot of public attention. But I didn’t view Barstool as a buttoned up business capable of generating hundreds of millions of dollars. Erika Nardini aka Erika Ayers Badan and Dave Portnoy deserve credit for making it one.

Erika told me at our 2020 BSM Summit that Barstool didn’t have a P&L sheet when she joined. She had to build systems, hire staff, grow the sales arm of Barstool, and help Dave Portnoy find investors. What followed were marketing deals with major brands, content partnerships with different media outlets, a massive investment from Penn National, and a changed perception of Barstool as a mainstream player. They were no longer just the cool, rebellious brand on social media and the internet that gave no f’s and generated attention. They became game changers in the sports content space.

So why leave?

If Barstool is now clear of restrictions and able to operate without investor influence, that should be enticing, right? In her farewell video Erika said that she felt she accomplished what she set out to do. I understand and appreciate that. But I can’t help but wonder if less structure and investor involvement made it less appealing to stay. She did join the brand after The Chernin Group got involved not before it.

I have no inside knowledge on this, and I’m not suggesting Barstool won’t continue growing and dominating. They likely will. It just raises questions about how the brand will manage sales, PR, critical internal and external issues, and battles with suitors when they try to lure away Barstool’s on-air and sales talent.

The business end of Barstool appears weaker today than it did a week ago. That’s more of a testament to what Erika did than a knock on anyone still there. To grow revenue the way she did the past 8 years speaks volumes about her skill as an executive. Wherever she lands next, it’s likely she’ll make a difference.

Will it be easier to do business with Barstool moving forward? Time will tell. I don’t expect they’ll make it easier for media outlets like ours to cover them. But if I’ve learned anything in eight years of following them it’s don’t ever bet against Dave Portnoy. Too often people have. Each time he’s proven them wrong. Portnoy has built a powerhouse brand, and grown the business by zigging when others zagged. But how Barstool moves forward without Erika will be of great interest to many in 2024.


Spike Eskin will be leaving WFAN and his position as the VP of Programming for Audacy to return to WIP and co-host the afternoon show. On paper this is a great move for WIP. Spike understands Philadelphia and WIP’s audience, he lives and breathes Philly sports, and has a great rapport with the entire lineup. He’s maintained an on-air presence through his Rights to Ricky Sanchez podcast, and I believe that moving into a host role alongside Ike Reese and Jack Fritz will be a seamless transition for all involved. Being in his mid to late 40’s, he’s also got plenty years ahead of him to cement his spot as an on-air talent. I expect Spike, Ike and Jack to do well together.

But to exit WFAN and the top programming role at Audacy in less than three years, raises a few questions. Why is this opportunity better for Spike than the programming role he just held? Was he happy at WFAN? Were folks happy with him at WFAN? Many have opinions about WFAN’s changes the past few years. Some love the fresher approach. Others don’t. That’s what makes sports radio in New York fun, people care.

As a follower of WFAN for over thirty years, it’s a different brand than the one I grew up on. That’s not a bad thing by the way. I’m almost 50. If Spike and Chris Oliviero programmed to please the Mike and the Mad Dog crowd that’d be a mistake. Attention spans are shorter, content options are larger, digital is more important and the days of a city flocking to the radio at 1pm to hear a host’s first words are gone. Judging from the ratings, revenue, and turnout for Boomer and Gio’s last live event, the station is doing well. They’ve got a lot of talent, a stronger digital game, and they’ll continue thriving. Spike deserves credit for the brand’s progress.

But why is a hosting role and less influence over a brand better for Eskin? Spike has been a part of WIP’s afternoon show before. Though leading the show vs. being the third mic is a different animal. He also programmed the station really well. In fact, Spike did such a good job at WIP that it landed him the top programming position in sports radio. Is there a personal part to this given that his father made afternoons in Philly must-listen for 25 years? Or is it about the personal relationship he has with Ike and Jack?

And how does this work from a financial standpoint? It’s likely that Spike was paid more to lead Audacy New York than Jon Marks was to host WIP’s afternoon show. If that’s the case, and nothing changes for Eskin, and WIP just adds payroll, does it affect what Chris Oliviero can spend on Audacy New York’s next brand leader? I can’t see that happening at all. Chris is going to make sure he has what he needs to land the right leader in New York.

Finances only come up because it’s known that Audacy is going through a bankruptcy process. Adding expenses right now seems unlikely. However, to add someone with Eskin’s skill and track record at a station where he previously shined is smart business, especially when you consider that he can win as a host and programmer if needed. That’s going to naturally lead to folks asking ‘will Spike eventually host PM drive and program WIP? If so, what does that mean for current PD Rod Lakin?’ ‘What happens when talent at WIP that Spike had a hand in hiring don’t like what Lakin suggests or if WIP’s ratings decline?’

Spike told Joe DeCamara and Jon Ritchie that’s not on his radar and the idea of joining the afternoon show was raised by PD Rod Lakin. Some of you may read that and be surprised that Lakin would suggest it. But Rod stepped into the role that Eskin previously held. I’m sure they’ve talked plenty the past few years. If their relationship is strong that should help. I don’t know it well enough to say if it is or isn’t. This move suggests Lakin’s more concerned with strengthening WIP than worrying about himself or industry chatter.

If anyone can navigate the situation and make it work, it’s Rod Lakin. He’s calm, cool, collected, smart and doesn’t get flustered by noise and pressure. I know this because we’ve known each other for over a decade, and I introduced him to folks years ago, which led to him landing the Philly role. If you read Derek Futterman’s piece on Angelo Cataldi last month, the Philly icon shared a small example of what makes Rod a great leader.

But Rod and Spike understand the business. They know people are going to ask these questions. The flurry of texts and emails I received about this last week was insane. I’m sure it was even louder on the local level. Many will suggest that Audacy will use this as an opportunity to eventually reduce expenses and stay strong by having Eskin handle two roles. Only those involved know the answers but one thing I know is that Rod Lakin knows how to program. If he’s not supported there, he’ll have plenty of interest elsewhere.

In a perfect world, Spike excels in afternoons, Rod leads WIP to greater success, and WFAN finds a great leader to move the brand forward. But until the smoke clears, noise will fill the air in the big apple and city of brotherly love.


Thumbs Up:

Colin Dunlap, 93.7 The Fan: While on the air last week, Dunlap received a call from a 65-year old woman named Colette. She told the Pittsburgh host that she and her husband were disabled and after undergoing 28 surgeries, she was physically struggling to clear her walkway of snow. Hearing her story moved Dunlap to react. He then called on the audience to step up and help. Shortly thereafter, one of 93.7 The Fan’s listeners, a gentleman named Tom, phoned in, and made the drive over to help out a fellow listener. That’s the power of live radio at its best, all possible by Dunlap reading and reacting to the situation perfectly.

Clay Travis, Outkick: Whether you love him or hate him, Clay delivers strong opinions and commands your attention. A perfect example was his Friday night reaction video to the demise of Sports Illustrated. If you haven’t watched it, it’s worth checking out. It’s nearing one million views at the time of my writing this.

VSiN: The sports betting network based out of Las Vegas recently redesigned its website and the new look and feel of it is excellent. Clean throughout, easy to navigate, and rich of content. Nice work by Bill Adee all involved.


Thumbs Down:

Sports Illustrated: Laying off the majority of its staff was bad enough, but to notify people by email or have them find out on social media shows a lack of class and a disgusting approach to running a business. All of those traits by the way are the exact opposite of what SI once stood for – RESPECT.

During SI’s glory days, the content was must read. But in recent years, the outlet landed in the hands of operators who valued clicks over quality. Many predicted and expected this once storied brand to crumble. Unfortunately, the naysayers were proven right.

To those affected, I’m sorry for the crummy news. Some will rebound and help other established brands. Some will launch their own platforms or exit the industry. Anyone looking to do future freelancing work is invited to email [email protected].


BSM Summit Update:

I’m happy to share that Good Karma Brands president Steve Politziner, Edison Research co-founder and president Larry Rosin and ESPN Chicago program director Danny Zederman have been added to our lineup. We’ve also finalized two of our four awards recipients and are working on a third. I’m hoping to share those details soon along with a few other high profile additions to this year’s show. I’ll be heading to Las Vegas during Super Bowl week, which is when we reveal our BSM Top 20 of 2023, and after that I’m hoping to finalize our schedule so it can be released by the end of February.

I know everyone likes waiting until the last minute to buy tickets and reserve hotel rooms. If you want to avoid being left out though, the time to act is now. Everything you need is posted on Our deadline for hotel room reservations is February 13th. We’ve also sent out free ticket contests by email to the advertising community and tri-state area colleges. We’ll have two more this week for executives and programmers. Be sure to check your spam folder just in case it doesn’t arrive in your inbox.


2-Seconds to Vent:

Jimmy Pitaro, Eric Shanks, John Skipper, Nick Khan, Colin Cowherd, Paul Finebaum, Clay Travis, Craig Carton, Adam Schein, Michael Kay, and Fred Toucher all have something in common with many others across the industry. They’re accomplished professionals with plenty on their plate yet when contacted, they always respond. Most of the time, they do so quickly. That’s greatly appreciated.

If those tasked with running the largest media companies in America, and hosting shows with content, advertising, and audience commitments can find time to respond, why is it so hard for other professionals to do the same? If you don’t want to be featured on BSM, speak at a Summit, market with us or answer a question, just say ‘not interested‘. It takes two seconds. The best in the business understand the value of relationships and promotion. Unfortunately, many do not. I don’t use this platform to draw attention to these issues but sometimes I wonder, should I?


Original Projects:

On BNM this week we’re doing five days of features on NPR professionals as part of ‘Public Radio Week‘. It’s not easy pulling it off but we’re trying some different stuff. Next week we launch ‘Where Are They Now‘ on BSM. Peter Schwartz will have the first feature next Tuesday. Coming up in February, we drop the BSM Top 20, Derek Futterman’s ‘Day Spent With‘ series which includes spending a day with professionals across different areas of the industry, and we’ll profile a number of black voices on BNM as part of the brand’s focus on Black History month. I hope you’ll check them out whenever time allows.


Recommended Viewing:

If you’re looking for a movie to watch during the week, check out Blackberry if you haven’t already done so. The film is about the rise and fall of the Blackberry phone, and I thought it was excellent. It had a similar feel to the movie Jobs, and the series Super Pumped: The Battle For Uber. Worth your time if you’ve got two hours available to watch something different than live games or sports programming.


If you have a question or comment you’d like addressed in a future column, please send it to [email protected]. That same email address can be used to pass along press releases, interview requests or news tips. Thanks for reading!

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Barrett Blogs

Justin Craig, Chris Kinard, Mary Menna Added to 2024 BSM Summit Lineup

“What I’ve always enjoyed about the BSM Summit is that it showcases speakers from many different areas of the industry.”

Jason Barrett



To kick off 2024, we’re announcing the additions of three more talented broadcasters to our 2024 BSM Summit. More on that shortly. The Summit takes place March 13-14 at the Ailey Theater in New York City. For tickets, hotel rooms, and additional details, visit Those interested in sponsorship opportunities, contact Stephanie Eads. A number of items are already claimed but she can tell you what’s left. Reach her by email at [email protected] or by phone at 415-312-5553.

What I’ve always enjoyed about the Summit is that it showcases speakers from different areas of the industry. We’ve featured top talent, researchers, agents, digital leaders, podcasting experts, ratings analysts, tech builders, play by play voices, and of course, program directors and market managers. There’s many ways to succeed, and no better way to learn than to hear from folks who consistently win.

In the sports audio world, 98.5 The Sports Hub, 106.7 The Fan, and ESPN Radio are highly respected brands. The Hub and The Fan are dominant in Boston and Washington D.C.. ESPN Radio meanwhile maintains a strong position as one of the top national audio brands. All feature strong leaders, and we’re fortunate to have all of them represented in NYC.

It’s a pleasure to welcome Beasley Boston Market Manager Mary Menna to the Summit. This is her first appearance at the conference. Mary is responsible for managing The Hub’s business, currently the top revenue generating brand in all of sports radio. I’m excited to have her offer her insights on a panel with Chris Oliviero and Scott Sutherland. More details on the session, date/time closer to the show.

On the programming side, it’s great to welcome back Chris Kinard of 106.7 The Fan, and Justin Craig of ESPN Radio. Both will be involved in programming panels at the show.

CK has helped lead The Fan and Team 980 to consistent growth in the nation’s capital. He’s a forward thinking type of leader with a great feel for the current and future challenges facing the business. I’m looking forward to having him share a few lessons he’s learned with the rest of the room.

For my friend JC, he’s seen ESPN Radio evolve for the better part of two decades. Liked and respected by most, he’s valued and trusted to guide ESPN Radio’s day-to-day operations. Given the network’s change in focus, talent, and structure, he’ll have great insights to share on where national sports audio is moving.

Our speaker list now sits at twenty. It will grow much more over the next two months as we reveal other additions to the show. We’ll also be announcing our award winners, and a few other surprises. This is a fun and informative two-day event for sports media professionals. If you haven’t joined us before, I hope you’ll do so this time. Everything you need to know prior to the event will be available at

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